I've spent an interesting morning researching ways to create fake tears when onstage....everything from squirting lemon juice in your eye (OW!) to staring at a light, to yawning, to a handy little stick with menthol and camphor that you rub just under your eye. I'm sure I will try almost all of them for Bad Girls over the next three weeks (but definitely not the lemon!)
I've continued with my writing streak - another two chapters fleshed out yesterday. I'm sure I'll cut them back to almost nothing in the dreaded edits, but for now I can smile at my 60000 word count. Another 20000+ words should do it....I'm now at the point where Dr B has nearly all the information she needs before having a talk with Esme about who she really is. Julie and Alex have been discussing the situation but are left scratching their heads because they don't know everything Dr B does. Dr B (and the reader) now understand Esme's mental health condition, but we still don't know if Esme has hurt herself deliberately or accidentally. There's a lot for me to keep track of, so I'm glad I have my index cards!
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