Today is the day that Big Toots GOT HER is a date that will remain engraved on her memory for...ooh, all of today and tomorrow. She was VERY EXCITED, shall we say. I tried to tell her that the novelty wears off after twenty-something years but she was too busy jumping up and down to listen.
I managed to cobble together a nice little chapter over my coffee at Tescos. I left all my writing guides at home and simply took my notebook, folder of draft chapters and a pen. Sometimes sitting with a pen and paper and writing the "old-fashioned" way works best.
It's nice to be able to type everything onto the computer - it's quicker for a start. My fingers can type at the speed of my thoughts, but my hand can't write quickly enough. I hate it when I have a great phrase in my head, but forget it before I've had a chance to scribble it all down. Plus my handwriting is atrocious when I write quickly. But, I have to admit, the simple act of writing with a pen and paper is satisfying. And I'm less likely to finish a paragraph, immediately read it over, then edit it out of existence. If it's on paper, it's always there to come back to and fiddle around with. Once I hit that delete key, whatever gems I had are gone forever.
SO -this afternoon I will indulge myself with polishing off said chapter, and working on Dr Blake's first big scene. It's raining outside so I don't even need to feel guilty about not washing the car, or weeding the garden....girls are playing happily at a friends house (thanks K!) and I have a bag of Revels in the fridge for later on tonight. Bliss.....
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