I've given the writing a miss today - to mull over ideas and developments. I scribbled a few words in my ever-present notebook whilst having coffee at Tescos (sometimes you get a phrase in your head that just sounds perfect), but I'm avoiding Microsoft Word at all costs!
That's not to say I've not been writing anything. I've just spent the past hour working out how many words can be made from the phrase "Deep Sea Discovery". I've given up at 225. Thank goodness for Google, a dictionary, and alphabet fridge magnets!
I think my favourite is "caryopsis" which is the dried fruit of a cereal grass....apparently.
Deep Sea Discovery is the church group my girls are attending this week. They're absolutely loving it, although they'll be more than ready for a holiday next week as they're absolutely shattered by the end of the day.
Technically my girls are supposed to be finding words, and my eldest will be having a shot later on this afternoon. But Little Tootsie would struggle (she only knows the letter S) so I've done her list for her. Big Toots will have to come up with her own list, but seeing as she's won a prize for her competition entries the last 2 days, I don't think she'll bother trying too hard.
I've just found another 4 words....
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